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Tuesday 4 December 2012

Another blog or Google Site is already using this address FIX!

OMG this has been sending me crazy and it seems that I'm not the only one going round and round in circles trying to fix the dreaded 'Another blog or Google Site is already using this address' error message that you can get when you are trying to set up a custom URL on your blog.

I'd literally been tearing my hair out trying to get it to work. I'd spent hours searching and reading Blogger and GoogleApps help forums and only managed to confuse myself more. 

I'd followed the instructions, purchased the custom URL through Blogger's own (supposed) stress free option with GoDaddy and my site should have updated before my eyes, without driving me to tears. Should...

It's not just me though. If you Google this problem, you'll find hundreds of equally stressed out bloggers desperate for a solution being taunted by a team of forum dwelling, tech nerds preying on their inability to just make it work. 

Then it came to me in a flash of brilliance that I really should have had hours ago.....

A really quick and simple fix to the 'Another blog or Google Site is already using this address' error. Here's how to sort it!

1. Log in to your GoogleApps Control Panel '' replace with the new URL that you have purchased (e.g. I would log in using this link

2. Click Settings.

3. Click Sites.

4. Click Site Settings.

5. Click Web Address Mapping then Delete all mapping.

THIS is what's causing the problem so don't be scared!

6. Click Uninstall Sites. As long as your site isn't already live on the new URL (which, lets face it is highly unlikely if you are reading this) you won't lose anything. It simply removes your pesky from GoogleApps.

The changes you made above can take around 30 mins to refresh so go and make yourself a cuppa before logging back in to your Blogger Dashboard and linking your .blogspot address to

7. Go to Blogger Dashboard > Settings > Basic > Publishing > Click Add Custom Domain.

Another blog or Google Site is already using this address FIX!

8. Click Advanced Settings and add your new domain url, using the www and Save.

10. Open a new window in your browser and type in your new URL. If you've done everything right your blog will now be magically residing at and you are awesome.

TOP TIP FOR NEXT TIME : Make sure when signing up for a new domain that you don't drop the www. This whole problem was caused by that darned, naked domain (e.g. If you'd used you wouldn't have wasted the last x days searching for a solution).
TIP : You may now need to re add Sites to your GoogleApps Dashboard. To do this go to Set Up > Sites > Next. Done.
TOP TIP : Remember to back up your blogger template before attempting any such manoeuvres.

And there you have it, a simple fix to the dreaded 'Another blog or Google Site is already using this address' error and not a CNAME, A name or DNS management dashboard in sight.

Let me know how you get on.

The above fix works if you purchased through GoogleApps.