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Monday 10 June 2013

Cybher 2013

My personal blogging has taken a bit of a back burner over the last few months. It's not a surprise really when you consider how full on the preparation for Cybher has been after losing my mum.

I'm not afraid to say that I struggled with faith in my ability and it's only now, on reflection, that I can totally appreciate the scale of the mountain I had to climb to make Cybher happen this year.

But I did make it happen and Cybher 2013 was epic. For the first time, I'm hand on heart, 100% proud of the event I pulled together. This year, Cybher was everything I wanted it to be and much more.

Inspirational, kick ass women, that I aspire to be like. Passionate, driven souls, new friendships, fresh ideas, simmering collaborations, excitement, words and laughter. Lots and lots of laughter.

Cybher 2013 the UK's premiere event for female bloggers

A very big thank you to each and everyone who spent last Saturday at Cybher and for ALL of the kind words and messages over the last week. It's amazing to see so many people tinkering with their blogs and writing with a newly found passion. That's exactly what Cybher is about.

Cybher the UK's premiere event for female bloggers

We are working towards getting all of the presentations, or at the very least, take away notes, up on the Cybher Blog, but please bear with us - it's quite a job. 
If you've written a post about the day, please do shout on Twitter and don't forget to take a look at the official pics over on the +Cybher™ page. Feel free to use them in your posts with a link back to the page. 

Thank you again. xxx

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