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Saturday 5 April 2014

Haribo Easter

Working with brands you love is one of the best blogging perks. But with great perks, comes great responsibility and I have to say, that over the last few months I failed one such beloved brand repeatedly.

This post is to say sorry, but Haribo, as soon as I open a box of goodies from you, the contents disappear into thin air when I'm not looking.

The culprits know who they are and I have to see this as a testament to how awesome Haribo are, but the constant disappearing of items that I would like to photograph and share with you really isn't constructive to good blogging.

I foiled the thieves this time though... well partially and for long enough to get a picture of more than an empty box.

Haribo Easter sweets

Haribo Easter

I admit to hiding the Twist 'n' Stick under my desk because there's no way I'm letting the kids eat it. It reminds me too much of my beloved 1970's game of Misfits,
I do have a further confession to make... the Haribo Easter Fun Bucket was empty in this photograph...

What can I say? We tried but we love Haribo just a little bit too much to allow it to fester around the house for longer than five minutes.

Haribo.... It's not just for kids!

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