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Sunday 7 July 2013

Crochet Camera Cozy : Assistance Needed

I can't crochet and I can't knit. Unless I'm attempting to make triangular bunting or something, because everything I attend ends up being triangular.
I can't concentrate and it seems I can't count either because I'm very good at picking up extra stitches from somewhere.
It's not that I haven't tried. I promise you I have but my mum was the knitter and whenever I needed something - she turned her magic.

But now I don't have my mum to ask and since the Photojojo newsletter landed in my inbox last week, I have been hankering after this really cute doggy crochet camera cosy.

Doggy Camera Cozy pattern

And I need your help to make it happen! I've purchased the pattern and I will buy all of the materials needed. I just need the magic of someone who is nimble and able with a crochet hook to make it into reality for me. 

Dog camera cozy photojojo

Any takers?

Tutorial appeared on Photojojo. Photos from Photojojo. The pattern is a an original design by Sarah Goldschadt.
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